Updated content available Sept 12.

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Product Name: Civil Site Design for BricsCAD

Tagline: Civil Site Design Transforms BricsCAD Into A Complete Civil Design Solution

25 words:
Civil Site Design for BricsCAD by Civil Survey Applications streamlines site design workflows with specialized BricsCAD tools for surfaces, alignments, profiles, corridors, grading, sections, quantities, drainage, pipe networks.

50 words:
Civil Site Design for BricsCAD by Civil Survey Applications provides a suite of purpose-built tools to streamline site design workflows directly inside BricsCAD. It includes specialized functionality for creating surfaces, alignments, profiles, corridors, grading, sections, quantities, drainage areas and calculations, pipe networks, and more.

100 words:
Civil Site Design for BricsCAD by Civil Survey Applications is a add-on that provides civil engineering and site design capabilities directly within the BricsCAD CAD platform. It includes a range of specialized tools to streamline site design workflows, including functionality to create surfaces, alignments, profiles, corridors, perform grading, take sections and get quantities, delineate drainage areas and run calculations, design pipe networks, and much more. With these robust civil tools integrated into BricsCAD, engineers can complete all aspects of site design and production drafting efficiently in one familiar environment.

200 words:
Civil Site Design for BricsCAD is an add-on developed by Civil Survey Applications to bring robust civil engineering and site design capabilities directly into the BricsCAD CAD software. It provides a suite of specialized tools that allow engineers to streamline site design and production drafting workflows entirely within the BricsCAD interface. Key features include the ability to create intelligent surfaces, establish alignments and profiles, build complex road corridors with automatic grading, take dynamic cross sections and get real-time quantity calculations, delineate drainage areas and run hydrology calculations, design gravity-flow pipe networks with parts lists, and much more. With this add-on, BricsCAD users can complete all phases of site design, from initial layouts to final drafting and construction documents, in one familiar environment. By leveraging these purpose-built civil tools within BricsCAD, engineering firms can improve design efficiency, enhance collaboration with production teams, and eliminate the need for data translation across multiple software platforms.


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Civil Site Design

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Civil Site Design for BricsCAD

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