Updated content available Sept 12.
Product Descriptors
Official product name, tagline, 25-50-100-250 words.
Visual branding
Logos, icons, signature images, styling.
Website content
This includes blog posts, product pages, and landing pages.
Social media posts
These can be used to promote products on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
Google Ads
Pre-built text ads and display ads. Keywords, sitelinks, remarketing, etc.
Email marketing campaigns
These can be used for lead generation emails to prospects.
Video content
These can be used to promote products on YouTube and Vimeo video-sharing platforms.
Product Name: Stringer Topo Plus
25 words:
50 words:
100 words:
200 words:
Right click on image and “save image as…” | All logos are transparent png format.